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Dana HurseyLos Angeles

BLVD Profile

2016.. Whew! What a whirlwind! We started the year doing a wonderfully humorous campaign for Lowe’s Home Improvement. Shooting at a large production facility in North Carolina we maneuvered around power outages, and flying debris from a strong winter storm and created some really fun imagery featuring contrary canines, snooping seniors, and frustrated families. Back in Los Angeles we got to shoot the first images of the new Benji, coming soon to a theater near you. Some of our returning clients included Habit Burger, Dean’s Dip, Darling Magazine, & Wescom Credit Union, while picking up a few new clients in Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf and Cup Noodles. We were honored with several awards including  the International Color Awards, APA – Off The Clock, several Honorable mentions in the International Photography Awards and finalist in the 2016 Hasselblad Masters.

2017 is starting off with a bang as well… more new clients (sssshhhh! They are secrets … NDA’s!) as well as some of our long-term loyals that keep coming back for more. Our new portfolios are almost complete and subscriptions to our bi-monthly eblasts are growing, so we are excited to see what this year has in store. Whether shooting our signature quirky imagery or virtually anything edible, we’re going to have a fantastic 2017 with new productions, new friends, and fresh imagery! Here’s hoping you’ll be part of the fun!!!

Portrait / Editorial / Conceptual / Transportation / Food / Kids / Advertising / Anima





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